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Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Keepin' it real fake: four SIMs, two memory card slots, one identity crisis

Keepin' it real fake

It takes quite a bit for a boogzs smartphone to turn our heads these days, but this specimen spotted by one of our readers in an Indian newspaper checked off just enough boxes to get us to take notice. As you can see, the company behind it has merged a fairly faithful iOS knock-off operating system with a device reminiscent of something from Samsung's Galaxy line, but it didn't stop there. You'll also get no less than four SIM card slots and two memory card slots, not to mention an antenna to pull down some free over-the-air TV channels. Specs otherwise remain a bit of a mystery, but those curious enough to find out more can take one home for just over $60.

[Thanks, Mahesh]


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